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Informed mental health support, from beginning to end

At Spirit of Health, we offer a trauma- and culturally-informed healing space that blends different mental health modalities to address the health and wellbeing of your mind, body, and spirit.

We honour the individual and collective practices, tools and assets you already possess. We commit to working with you to strengthen your inner strengths and supporting you with establishing new, helpful and complementary approaches.

What to expect from therapy at Spirit of Health

At Spirit of Health, we ensure each of our patients enjoys a seamless, compassionate, and inclusive integrated therapy experience throughout their healing journey. Learn more about what to expect from your therapy treatment plan below.

Your first step is booking an initial free 15-minute consultation with one of our practitioners, so we can figure out if we’re the right mental health support for your unique needs. Then it’s time to book your integrative assessment, where you’ll meet with a psychologist and physical health practitioner e.g. naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, etc.. This integrative assessment might include psychometric testing, lab work, and observations.

You can also opt to book directly with one of our individual practitioners if you don’t want an integrative assessment.

When you have completed your integrative assessment, our holistic practitioners and mental health therapists will join forces to create a bespoke, evidence-based integrative treatment plan to address your key concerns. We will provide you with a diagnosis and treatment recommendations as well as give you feedback on your initial assessment and what your next steps will be.

Once you are happy to go ahead with your prescribed integrative therapy plan, and have identified goals, you’ll start your healing journey at Spirit of Health. Attending sessions is one part of the journey, the ‘real work’ will happen outside of sessions in your daily life. When appropriate we use a measurement-based care approach to ensure your treatment is enhancing your quality of life while helping to reduce symptoms and achieve your goals.

Hear from our patients