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Mental health care, customized to you

At Spirit of Health integrative therapy clinic, our practitioners provide a welcoming, safe, and encouraging space where you can access tailored mental health support that connects the body, mind, and spirit.

Our mental health treatment areas

Not sure if integrative therapy is the right fit for your particular needs? Learn more about the mental health concerns we support people with in our integrative programs below.


As humans, we confront fear and uncertainty every day. And sometimes, we can overcome these feelings or distract ourselves from feeling them, but sometimes they are strong, and we don’t know how to deal with them.

When the feeling of fear and uncertainty become overwhelming, they can balloon into anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression stem from medical, hormonal, circumstantial, or emotional factors.

They are complex states to manage without having tools that help you work with them and move ahead in your life with more certainty. Left unchecked, they can significantly affect your quality of life or even become debilitating.


It is impossible to be in control of the many variables in our lives. With tailored psychotherapy and holistic therapies, our therapists can support you with learning tools and strategies to live with the unknown and what you can do to cope with the feelings that arise when you cannot be in control.


Depression can seriously diminish your quality of life, affect your emotions and energy levels, and make even getting out of bed feel impossible. Psychotherapy and holistic therapies can help you recognize your feelings, address negative evaluations which often drive depression, and take active steps to experience pleasant emotions and feel empowered.

Emotional regulation

Our emotions are a compass that can guide our actions and let us know when things are going well, or there is a problem. Sometimes these emotions can become intense and overwhelming – particularly unpleasant emotions like anger, guilt, and shame. Psychotherapy and holistic therapies can help you better understand your emotions, identify triggers, and develop coping and regulation strategies.


The world is constantly changing; our workplaces, homes, and relationships can all create stress and overwhelming feelings. Finding balance can be challenging.

People have difficulty turning off and managing multiple roles and responsibilities, and struggle with stress without the downtime needed to recuperate between work and home. This can lead to anxiety, physical symptoms, sleeplessness, panic, and depression.

Our psychotherapy and holistic treatments can help stress management and reduction. We provide a safe space to discuss your stressors, identify triggers, and develop healthy boundaries to create balance while offering practical self-care techniques to help you reduce stress.


Whether it’s cultural trauma, racial trauma, interpersonal or gender-based violence trauma you’re experiencing, our therapists and holistic practitioners can help.

Anxiety, panic attacks, and depression are common side effects of trauma, as are nightmares, intrusive memories, disassociation, and flashbacks. Trauma can lead to feeling cautious about relationships, feeling less able to trust other people, or feeling misunderstood.

Therapy can help make sense of the many feelings and experiences that continue, even when you are no longer in an unsafe situation. Somatic practices like EMDR, yoga, and mindfulness can help trauma survivors reconnect to their bodies and process non-verbal emotions.

Therapy can help to minimize feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame, helping you feel stronger and more confident. At Spirit of Health, we believe you are the expert on your life. We will walk beside you to discover the best paths toward your healing and recovery.

Racial Trauma

Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to the mental and emotional injury caused by encounters with racial bias and ethnic discrimination, racism, and hate crimes. Any individual that has experienced an emotionally painful, sudden, and uncontrollable racist encounter is at risk of suffering from a race-based traumatic stress injury.

Globally, Black,Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) have lived under a traditional system of white supremacy.

Experiences of race-based discrimination can have detrimental psychological impacts on individuals and their wider communities.

In some individuals, prolonged incidents of racism and microaggressions can lead to symptoms like those experienced with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This can look like depression, anger, recurring thoughts of the event, physical reactions (e.g. headaches, chest pains, insomnia), hypervigilance, low self-esteem, and mental distancing from the traumatic events.
Many racialized Canadians also live with the internalized racism which affects identity development, self-concept, and connection to communities of origin.

Some or all of these symptoms may be present in someone with RBTS, and symptoms can look different across different cultural groups. It is important to note that, unlike PTSD, RBTS is not considered a mental health disorder. RBTS is a mental injury that can occur as the result of living within a racist system or experiencing events of racism.


Whether you’re experiencing addiction problems with substances, gambling, or pornography, our mental health and holistic practitioners can support you on your healing journey.

Sometimes substance use, addiction, or dependence starts as a way to cope with painful emotions. When you find that this coping strategy is no longer working, or it’s beginning to cause other issues in your life, work, and relationships, therapy can be an excellent place to address the root causes that led to initial or continued use.

At Spirit of Health we work from a harm reduction approach. We can discuss what goals make the most sense for your situation, whether changing, reducing, stopping your substance use or learning to use more safely.

Life Transitions

If you’re finding it difficult adjusting to a new career or job, becoming a parent, going to university, or another life change, our integrative therapists can help you navigate these changes.

Life transitions are like the seasons. As we go through the life cycle, change is ongoing – birth, going to school, getting a new job, dating, marriage, separation/divorce, starting a family, moving to a new home, death of a loved one, loss of a job, health status changes, and so forth.

Whether expected or unexpected, life transitions can be a lot to process, especially emotionally. Change of any kind, positive or negative, can be stressful, such as adjusting to being a parent or adapting to changes within the workplace.

People who have difficulty coping during these times may find it helpful to talk to a therapist. Our therapists and holistic practitioners can help you understand where your emotions are coming from, how to process them, and give you practical tools to help you feel more at ease with how your life looks now.


The journey through grief is a very personal one for which there is no timeline. Each person’s journey may be different, and shaped by the type of loss experienced.

There are some common emotions people experience when mourning, these include confusion, feeling overwhelmed, shock, denial, sadness, anger, guilt, fear, anxiety, indecision, apathy, and exhaustion. These emotions and feelings are all normal reactions. Our therapists are here to walk beside you as you grieve the loss of your loved one.

Suicide Prevention

Many people face suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives, though they are not always of the same intensity and do not always develop into a plan. Suicidal thoughts can be highly distressing for the individual, impacting other areas of your life.

Most common with people who are having difficulties with their mental health, suicidal thoughts are often a symptom of certain types of depression, emotion dysregulation, psychosis, chronic illness, and anxiety disorders.

Suicidal thoughts are more common among people experiencing racial trauma, younger people, men, and Indigenous communities. At Spirit of Health, we offer a range of mental health supports for patients experiencing suicidal thoughts, provided through a culturally-appropriate, anti-trauma, and anti-oppressive lens.

Frequently asked questions

No, services offered by a psychologist are not covered by OHIP. However, our fees are reimbursed by extended health care insurance similar to physical therapy or dental services. Whatever is not reimbursed by your insurance company is claimable as a tax deduction on your income tax as a medical expense.

Yes, we support insurance as part of the registration process. At this time we can provide direct billing for treatment provided by Psychologists, Naturopathic Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Registered Social Workers and with the following insurance companies:

  • Manulife Financial
  • Canada Life
  • BPA – Benefit Plan Administrators
  • Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.)
  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
  • Cowan
  • D.A. Townley
  • Desjardins Insurance
  • First Canadian
  • GroupHEALTH
  • GroupSource
  • GMS Carrier 49
  • GMS Carrier 50
  • Industrial Alliance
  • Johnson Inc.
  • Johnston Group
  • La Capitale
  • LiUna Local 183
  • LiUna Local 506
  • Manion
  • Maximum Benefit
  • TELUS AdjudiCare
  • RWAM Insurance Administrators
  • Union Benefits
  • People Corporation
Our integrative therapy clinic doesn’t operate on a walk-in basis. You will need to call or email us to schedule a consultation or session to begin your treatment plan.
No, our clinic does not provide physical health assessments for things like colds, cases of flu, physical injuries, etc. However, our physical practitioners may assess your overall health and nutrition to restore overall wellbeing and balance.
No you are not. You are free to terminate your therapy treatment plan at any time without facing any penalty. Rest assured that we will securely hold your information after you terminate your mental health treatment.