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Think you might need mental health support?

At Spirit of Health, we help teens and young adults who are experiencing mental health issues to build resilience, increase self awareness, and enhance skills to handle difficult emotions or situations. 

Collaborating closely with parents and blending holistic treatments such as nutritional advice, yoga, and reiki with traditional therapy, we encourage “whole-self” healing for all by connecting the body, mind, and spirit.

How do you know if you need therapy?

Sometimes, knowing whether therapy is the right choice for you and your unique set of issues, circumstances, and goals can be difficult. To help, here are some questions you can ask yourself. If you relate closely to any of them, therapy is likely worth looking into.

  • Are you struggling to see your friends? Or having issues in relationships with friends, romantic partners or family?
  • Has there been a change in your confidence or what you think and feel about yourself?
  • Are you having difficulty getting up for school, keeping deadlines, or noticing your grades are not what they used to be?
  • Have you noticed any changes to how you feel – are you feeling sad often? Worried about life and your future? Having thoughts of harming yourself? Not eating as much or can’t sleep at night?
  • Have there been changes to your thinking – do you often think of the worst-case scenario? Distracted easily? Forgetful? Can’t focus on one thing?
  • Have you been bullied or been through other difficult life experiences like racism, abuse, death of a loved one, parents separating?
  • Struggle with navigating your culture and identity?

If the answer is yes to any of the above, then it might be helpful to speak with someone from our integrative therapy team to provide some answers to these questions and solutions to help!


What to expect from integrative therapy

Our team will talk to you about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how these have changed over time and affected your life today. Once we understand what is going on, we will help provide solutions.

The solutions don’t just include talking to the therapist; you might also benefit from attending a yoga class, art therapy, reiki healing, or a session with a nutritionist/dietitian. If appropriate, we can also assist you with assessing and applying for accommodations and modifications with your school or post-secondary institution. 

Part of the solution may also mean working with your caregivers so they can provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to heal and thrive. This is a very important time developmentally, and we want to help keep you on track with your education, career and life goals – your mental health doesn’t have to get in the way.

Frequently asked questions

Integrative therapy is a mental health approach that improves your mental health by incorporating treatments targeting your body, nutrition, and spirit. Integrative therapy recognizes the powerful connection between your mind, body, and spirit and how the balance of these three aspects can impact your mental health.

During a therapy session, a therapist will help you to explore your thoughts, behaviors, actions, and emotions by posing specific questions. They will also offer practical tools and strategies for you to practice every day, so you can cope with the things in life that are affecting your mental health.

We offer integrative therapy services to adolescents and young adults aged 14 and above.

No, you do not necessarily need an integrative assessment. You can directly sign up for these therapies without the integrative assessment.
